Thursday, 14 June 2012


Many couples hardly find time to play together like friends that they are supposed to be. It is good you play together (privately and publicly) not minding who is watching or not, what should matter is the joy you derive from being with each other. Do not be shy in to play games, go sporting together, do exercises, touch and run after each other, mimic each other, dance for/with each other among several other things. Be creative enough to bring in new things, do it before your children, because it passes a lot of lessons to them.

Many homes are turn apart now based on this aspect, especially with young couples who have not taken time to talk things over with each other. I Corinthians 7:3-5 and Proverbs 5:15-20 are explicit enough on this area of marriage. Spouse should understand each other’s libido level, give in when the need arises, participate in the business, derive happiness when using the God-given gift to the benefit of the concerned. Act of denying or depriving each other opens door to defilement of marriage bed, depriving and defiling carry the same sin penalty.

As parents, we are the first teachers our children knows, we teach them not by what we say but main through what they see us do directly or indirectly, and these goes a long way to make or mar them in their growing years and even when they get married.
“Fathers (parents) do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” – Colossians 3:21

Children could be discouraged when they see the way we relate with ourselves as husband and wife, when abuse set in, when we neglect our parental roles, when we solely live one of the parent to do all the discipline, when we refuse to show them the way of the Lord, when we misshape the future of the children, when we are selective or play choice making among the children, becoming harsh unnecessarily towards the children, transferring aggression from work, church, financial breakdown etc on the children among others, troubles are expected to flow in big dimension in the family. We should always remember that we have responsibilities over the children God gave us to watch over, and we are accountable.

As children, no matter what the situation looks like, we are not expected to speak roughly, act irrationally to our parents or embark on behaviours that will not bring glory to God’s name, especially as Christian children. Several things may and will happen, but in all with the Holy Spirit guiding us, we should always remember that our parents remain our parents irrespective of their attitude or disposition towards us.
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise”. Ephesians 6:1-2.
‘Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.’ Colossians 3:20

When as a child, you see your parents going astray from God’s standard, you can go to God to intercede for them as God gives credence to children’s prayer. You are not too small to be a change agent that God wants you to be.

As earlier stated, husband and wife are expected to be best of friends and responsible for and to each other.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord”
“Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them” –
Colossians 3:18-19

The love for your wife will bring about her submission and your submission to your husband will accelerate his love flow without hitch towards you. I Peter 3:6-7

If Satan will fail woefully in his mission and strategy to achieve, the husband, wife and children making up the family should be ready for the task of combating the tricks of the evil one with love, submission, obedience and holy living, for these are the weapons of war to fight down the unresolved issues in family affair.
God bless His church.

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The mission of Satan is to pull down the church so that so many will not make it to heaven, and having seen this as his major assignment, his method of operation is to tear apart individual family unit, so that agreement of purpose and unity of spirit will not be there, and without these, the church’s authority and power will be frustrated and valueless. Hence, we want to look into what should be the biblical standard for the family life.

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the saviour of the body”.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her”
“So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself”.
Ephesians 5:22-23, 25, 28.

From the quoted scriptures, it is very obvious that marriage between a man and his wife is likened to the love relationship between Christ (head and husband) and the church (the bride), so whatever is obtainable in our relationship as church to Christ Jesus ought to be the flow in our marital relationship alongside parent-children relationship, the summation that makes the home.

Here are few unresolved issues in the family affair which causes problems and we often shy away from them.

This is a very serious issue in most families as communication line as been bartered and couples finds it difficult to communicate in a simple language and mutual understanding. This problems starts most often from the relationship stage, when the young man and/or the lady misinforms each other about their respective families, or when the young man based on past family issues gives standing order to the wife to be, which in turn becomes a trouble to tackle when the reality starts dawning on the two later on.

Many couples have reduce communication into two or three syllable answer – ‘yes, no, don’t disturb me, what do you mean? What are you insinuating? Can’t you see, did I tell you ‘am hungry? If you like, do your worst, among others. These answers as they sound clearly show that peace is far away from homes where such dialogues emanate. We need to develop a better way of relating with each other as husband and wife, because our communication as parents could either make or mar the future of the children who sees and hears the parents as their first teacher and mentor.

So many families (especially the wives) are taking a share of their in-laws troubles as a result misunderstanding of roles, incorrect information and the sell out of wives by their husband. Until when mother-in-laws begin to see their sons’ wives as their own daughters, the rivalry and competition that ensues and generate issues will continue to hunt them. Wives too are to see their husbands’ mothers as their own mother and by so doing; peace will find its way in the family both nuclear and extended. The role of the father and mother (in-laws) is advisory rather than authoritative, so care must be taking when playing your role as a third party to the married couples. See your children in marriage as one with their spouse and don’t try to put asunder by speaking secretly or separately with one without the other.

So many wives (and young women about to be married) in this generation carries the notion that they are equal or share equal right with their husbands and that really is a bone of contention in many homes. As against the Biblical standard, women are not inferior to their husbands as some thinks, but that the example of Christ should be sought, and that is why the scripture says wives should submit to their husbands, submission here means that whatever a wife has (top executive in her office, earning more than the husband, well gifted, wealthy family background etc), must be under the control of the husband, because all that the church has is under the control of Christ (the husband of the church).

When you as a wife sees yourself as having the same authority with your husband, the peace of your home is under frustration (because you take decisions, nag, shout him down, do things that make him look unimportant etc) and no man wants to be pushed around by his wife.
In-as-much-as you are couple, you need to give yourselves the expected respect and jointly decide on issues while the husband authorizes the decision made, when this is in practice, the home will experience bliss on regular basis.

Partner means a part owner of a thing, and being a partner means one with the other half. Husband is incomplete without the wife and the wife is incomplete without the husband. You are no more two but one and what that means is that you should think, look, act and decide as one person and not two. As a wife there shouldn’t be anything emergency for you to decide outside your husband, as a husband, there are minor things that your wife can use initiative on; you should not be too rigid a man or else you will make your wife redundant. As two loves that forms one heart beat, what one says is what the other says, in oneness all that is done is expected to be in oneness of heart, spirit and attitude.

Marriage is actually between the husband and wife and not between mother and child. So many wives have transferred their husbands’ affection to children and some to job, thereby leaving the husbands into waiting arms outside that could tear down the home. Some change overnight, leaving what they used to do before (kissing, caressing, regular copulation etc) and the less these things are made available to the spouse, the devil opens opportunity for such outside the marriage and issues start setting in. Both the man and his wife must look for way to improve how they started and not the opposite (neglect and inactiveness).

It is important to say here that the friends we keep individually before wedding needs to change status from his friends or her friends to our friends, with these in place, it helps the family to grow rather than diminish with contribution/influence of individual friends. Friends can be a gain or a pain depending on their impact on the family life.

Both the husband and wife have roles to play in the day to day running of the family. Husband married a help-meet and not drycleaners, caterers, sex machines, children making machines, housemaid, etc. There are times that husband has to take responsibilities especially in domestic chores to relief the wife of stress and make her body ready for bed time. However, wives should not misunderstand this stand for having equal work right with their husbands.
Other responsibilities include: financial, family upkeep, children, in-laws, church and society. We must see the family responsibilities as corporate and not individual.

There are several influences out there that informs the decision we take concerning our families, either well weighed or un-weighed, and this causes issues that tears the family apart or bring them closer.
The influences range from: the church, friends, children, parents, neighbours, society at large alongside spiritual forces. We need to be careful so as not to destroy our home by our improper information and misunderstanding of our spouses.

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