Sunday, 16 September 2012



Let me share with you briefly on controlling your emotions as shared at September edition of S.E.A.L.

7 Tips to controlling your emotions.
1. Control your emotions by looking ahead: before you react, you think of what will happen the next few hours after you have acted, how and what impression will people have about you.
2. Get to know your self: don't pretend the emotions are not there because all of us are emotional beings. Know when you are emotional and why the emotion is at play at the particular point in time.
3. Change your mood, do something different: when you discover that you become emotional especially when they are negative (like anger, envy, jealousy etc), get to change your mood and do something different at that point in time.
4. Observe how others deal with their emotions effective: be watchful and see those who effectively manage their emotions and learn from them by asking them questions.
5. Change you physiology: when your emotions are at play, change your composition, make up as you react. As emotions are physical responses to issues, you need change your physical response to what comes your way.
6. Use your brain: don't always act without thinking. It is better you think before acting than acting before thinking which brings about regret later on.
7. Create spare capacity in your life: because you will always get emotional, work on yourself by creating more capacity in your life to allow for differences in people and in relationship.
With these tips, you can become a controller over your emotions and not the opposite. So many are controlled by their emotions and later regret their actions and finds it difficult to relate with people. Imagine a woman that slapped her husband in the public, and the man in response to that with uncontrollable anger (emotion) beat and naked the wife openly and even dragged the woman home. What impression have they created for themselves in that neighbourhood with uncontrollable emotions?

To manage your emotions further, let see these tips:
* Recognize and understand your own emotions as well as your partner's - we are all emotional beings.
* Always determine the source of your feelings
* Talk about your feelings with each other
* Always acknowledge that your feelings and that of your partner are legitimate and treat as such with control-able approach
* Express your feelings to each other but not in a confrontational way
* Try as much as you can not to react emotionally to your partner's emotional outbursts
* Use gestures like apologies, sympathy notes, shared meals, hand shakes to diffuse negative emotions at a little cost
* Use transformative mediation, dialogue and other problem solving method to deal with highly emotional conflict.

You can live above your emotions (control) if you put somethings in place in your life. When you don't give answer to stupid questions does not mean you don't have an answer or know what you should say, it only shows how matured you are.
Learn and be wise, get matured and live peacefully with others (your partner inclusive).

Pastor 'Wale D. Adekanye
S.E.A.L. Host

Monday, 3 September 2012



I want to welcome you all to this segment of the 2012 Evangelical week, and a very big thank you for given me the opportunity to be here tonight, may the name of the most High God be praised.

I am saddled with the assignment of dealing with the topic: ‘cost of discipleship’ to expose the cost we need to count before becoming a disciple or as a disciple. May the Spirit of God teach us to the in-depth as we go along in Jesus’ name.

Tell your neighbor, you are welcome to God’s classroom.

Living the Christian life is not always an easy thing to do. The Christian life as we see it on a Sunday morning is pretty easy. But the Christian life out there in our families and relationships can be extremely difficult, costly.

Tell your neighbour, following Jesus will cost you something!

We shall look deeply at counting the cost involved in being a disciple by first looking at what discipleship is all about?
Let us examine together LUKE 9:57-62 very quickly.

WHAT IS DISCIPLE? A disciple is a follower of another person who has influence over a person’s life.
A disciple in other words is a person who has surrendered the control unit of his or her life to the authority of Jesus Christ as a personal LORD and Saviour, and lives accordingly to the glory of the father.
It is an invitation to spiritual warfare over a long period of time.

WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP? Discipleship is being a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ and making disciples for Christ of all people. Discipleship is not based on sham emotions and shallow enthusiasm or what I would call “Pep- Rally” Christianity because these come and go.

As a disciple, you must be ready to fight, endure, and battle the forces of darkness if you commit yourself to following Jesus and His teachings for the long run.

A disciple must be willing to give up things that get in the way of discipleship.

Deny yourself - You can not give priority to materials (Luke 18:22-23) - You have adapt to a non-luxurious life (Matthew 8:20) - The top priority should be given to Jesus (Matthew 8:21-22).

Take up your cross - We are called to suffer (1 Peter 2:21, 1 Peter 4:13) - We have to suffer shame (Hebrews 12:2) - We will be ridiculed (Matthew 27:39) - We will be rejected (1 Peter 2:4) - We have to suffer death (Acts 10:39).

Follow Jesus Christ everyday - Be a new person (2 Corinthians 5:17) - Battle against sin by crucifying flesh (Romans 6:1-7, 1 Peter 4:1-2) - Abide in him (John 15:1-17).

Counting the cost of being a disciple has too aspect to it which Jesus Christ explained in Luke 14:28-33.
 The builder – who has option to build or not, but must consider what it will take to “FINISH” (complete) the building less he becomes a mockery of every passer-by. You can decide to follow Jesus and live rightly or choose not to – tell your neighbor – it is a matter of choice!
The king – who wants to go to war, must also consider his military strength to face his opponent, failure to do so will mean outright destruction. If you refuse to be a disciple, you are waging a war against the son of God, and there is no way you could win such.

Being a disciple in this present generation means you have to stand out and stand for the truth irrespective of what comes your way or wherever you find yourself, your right standing with God will show to people that you are truly a follower of Christ and not just one of the many hypocrites we have around. In you dressing, look, manners, speeches, conversation, acts inside-out, then people will see your light shine and through such you can disciple others for Christ.

It is better to decide to be a disciple of Jesus or of Satan because you cannot be idle, essence why choice is important after this time out. Let’s read together Philippians 4:8.
I pray that the God of all ages make us His followers till eternity.
God bless you all.

The Mouth Piece of God 

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We are to discuss in this segment a very vital topic which could shape our lives, society, and make us heaven bound. ‘Responsibility of a Christian youth in a civil society’ could also be rephrased as ‘Living responsibly as a Christian youth in this ungodly society’. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit opens our mind of understanding to attentively listen and willing take decisions and actions to live responsibly for God in this dispensation in Jesus’ name – Amen.

I Peter 2:11 reads
“Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.” (NIV)

Apostle Peter clearly states here that we are strangers and aliens in the world which is full of sinful desires which wages war against the soul which ought to have relationship with God, reason why he urged us.

A youth is anyone whose age falls within the teens and forties. A youth is anyone who is agile and active. A youth is anyone who is young at heart irrespective of their age. A youth is anyone who has ability to grow and builds capacity for growth. A youth is anyone who is growing up and not just growing old.

A Christian is anyone who at one time or the other has surrendered his/her life to Jesus’ ruler-ship and control. A Christian is anyone whose life is practically lived according to the teaching of Jesus Christ. A Christian is anyone who is a prototype of the apostles who lived exemplary in Antioch where the name Christian came into being. A Christian is an in-depth follower of Jesus Christ day, noon, night, dawn.

A Christian youth is a youth whose life is total example of Christ follower in speech, action, thoughts, relational, dressing (an all round living for Christ Jesus irrespective of the challenges around).

The society we live in referred to as civil means it’s a free world where anything goes irrespective of the religious set ups in it, Satan has made it look as if there is no God anywhere, there is no eternity anywhere and life goes on as people just come and go at will. This kind of society is characterized by stealing, cheating, corruption, idolatry, fornication, adultery, scamming, ritual killings, kidnapping, lying, lesbianism, gayism, marriage to pet animals, aristocracy, among others.
We live in this society also even as Christians, go to same schools, offices, markets, eateries, banks, live around each other and power of influence is in the air, it’s either we are influencing them or they are influencing us, reason why you need to know your identity.
Tell your self – i need to know my identity!

Having seen that the society we live in is sin entreating, always enticing, luring at every instance and even the church is entertaining some of these things because of her being porous, traditionalist nature and less emphasis on salvation of souls.

As a Christian youth who knows fully well his/her identity as an alien/stranger on this land, these are the responsibilities (duties) expected from us. We are expected to be:

ü Light bearers – Matthew 5:14-16
ü God carriers (ambassadors) – Daniel 1:8, 11-15 (Daniel & 3 Hebrew boys)
ü Peacemakers – Daniel 2:11-14 (Daniel)
ü Intercessors – Nehemiah 1:4-7 (Nehemiah)
ü Solutions – Genesis 41:25, 37-39 (Joseph)
ü Gospel sharers – II Timothy 4:1-2 (Timothy), Titus 2:1 (Titus)
ü Kingdom seekers and getters – Matthew 7:7, Matthew 6:33

Romans 12:1-3 categorically tells us what to do to keep being a responsible youth living for the glory of God. Giving oneself as a living (practically living a life of self denial for the sake of Christ and the gospel) sacrifice (offering oneself on the altar of God, dead to sin but alive to righteousness), holy and acceptable, from time to time renewal of character, attitude, lifestyle in a transforming manner which goes far to affect and influence others around in a positive way. This is what God expects from His children in the corrupt and degrading society.

So far, you know what to do and how to live rightly in this degenerated generation, all left for you is to decide to practice accordingly. Tell your neighbor – it’s a matter of choice!  Let’s read I Peter 2:12 together.
God bless you all and make you live responsibly in this world and be rapturable in Jesus’ name – Amen.

The Mouth Piece of God

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Monday, 27 August 2012

My Love,not your body.

THEME: MY LOVE (Song of Solomon 4:7)
TOPIC: NOT THY BODY (Song of Solomon 3:5)

It is by the grace of God that we are gathered here today to discuss issues that borders on our relationships so as not to miss the point and wrongly enter into a journey of regret which of course can cause serious havoc in the now and the now to come, may you not miss it in Jesus’ name (Amen).

Let’s read through the text given to lay foundation for the discussion of today:
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.” SOS 4:7 (NLT)

“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.” SOS 3:5 (NLT)

Biblical explanation: Feelings of love can create emotions that overpower reason. Young people are too often in a hurry to develop an intimate relationship based on their strong feelings. But feelings aren’t enough to support a lasting relationship. This verse encourages us not to force romance lest the feelings of love grow faster than commitment needed to make love last. Patiently wait for feelings of love and commitment to develop together. (NLT)

It is the dream of every single person to want to get hooked some-day, some consider what needs be considered before venturing into such life time relationship while some look at the ephemeral reasons why they have to enter into relationship. In any of the case, the result is obvious as we see in many marriages today, most of which only operate houses and not homes.

It is important for us to understand the concept of love because it really goes beyond what many of us consider it to be, and then we run into it with wrong motive and perception, that is why some people say they ‘fall in love’, and in reality, love is not a ground for falling but for walking, when you fall in love, you can never be in control.  Tell your neighbor, ‘you are not called to fall in love.’
If you do not first see God as your love, you will miss everything about love and lust will be the dominating factor in your life because God is the author of love.

The person you refer to now as the love of your life should be the person you are very well convinced that you want to share and live the remaining part of your life with, he/she is going to become a partner (part owner) of everything that pertains to you in life. So, carefully and prayerfully choose the ‘love of your life’.

Many in relationship today primarily give plenty of consideration to the body of their partner than their heart, and in cases where the body has more value placed on it than the heart, there is certainty that heart-break will be the aftermath effect of such relations.
There are certain actions that come into play – necking, pecking, kissing, caressing, romancing, and sex, when the body of the partner is what matters and not the heart and emotions.

“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field; do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” Song of Solomon 3:5

The bible passage above states that you should not awaken this desire until it is right to do so, and when is it right? In marriage, where you are both licensed to have right to each other’s body. Awakening the body causes wreck to the body carrier because the moment you get exposed to the actions untimely, you find it difficult to stop such as your body craves for the touch of the opposite sex from time to time and the result will be excessive sexual relationship before marriage. Note that, if you get engaged in sex before marriage and you get accustomed, there is a very serious tendency that you will not enjoy sex when married, it may result to boredom, lost of interest, extra-marital affairs etc.

2 Samuel 13:1-5 – the lust issue between Amnon and Tamar.

You are the daughter of Jerusalem the bible speaks of and you are not expected to do the deed when not right. Arousing your body when not time could lead to destroying your future and it’s going to be disastrous if embarked upon. Sanctity is the glory of being married as a virgin (male/female).

Your body comes into play when marriage is activated and that is when your can practice – your love, your body. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5.

There is need for you either as a male or a female to keep your body (God’s temple – 1 Corinthians 3:16) holy until you get married, because it is in marriage alone that you are authorized and licensed to get your body involved with another, anything short of this is a sin.

- Exposition on 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7
“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honourable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.”

We are called to stay pure (virgin) until when we are ready, you can become a virgin again before God if you retrace your way back to God and make amends, then God will see you with a new look and give you a husband or wife that sees you as such.
May we continue to live pleasantly before God in Jesus’ name. Amen.

God bless you. Shalom!

Pastor 'Wale D. Adekanye
The Mouth Piece of God 

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