Monday, 3 September 2012



I want to welcome you all to this segment of the 2012 Evangelical week, and a very big thank you for given me the opportunity to be here tonight, may the name of the most High God be praised.

I am saddled with the assignment of dealing with the topic: ‘cost of discipleship’ to expose the cost we need to count before becoming a disciple or as a disciple. May the Spirit of God teach us to the in-depth as we go along in Jesus’ name.

Tell your neighbor, you are welcome to God’s classroom.

Living the Christian life is not always an easy thing to do. The Christian life as we see it on a Sunday morning is pretty easy. But the Christian life out there in our families and relationships can be extremely difficult, costly.

Tell your neighbour, following Jesus will cost you something!

We shall look deeply at counting the cost involved in being a disciple by first looking at what discipleship is all about?
Let us examine together LUKE 9:57-62 very quickly.

WHAT IS DISCIPLE? A disciple is a follower of another person who has influence over a person’s life.
A disciple in other words is a person who has surrendered the control unit of his or her life to the authority of Jesus Christ as a personal LORD and Saviour, and lives accordingly to the glory of the father.
It is an invitation to spiritual warfare over a long period of time.

WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP? Discipleship is being a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ and making disciples for Christ of all people. Discipleship is not based on sham emotions and shallow enthusiasm or what I would call “Pep- Rally” Christianity because these come and go.

As a disciple, you must be ready to fight, endure, and battle the forces of darkness if you commit yourself to following Jesus and His teachings for the long run.

A disciple must be willing to give up things that get in the way of discipleship.

Deny yourself - You can not give priority to materials (Luke 18:22-23) - You have adapt to a non-luxurious life (Matthew 8:20) - The top priority should be given to Jesus (Matthew 8:21-22).

Take up your cross - We are called to suffer (1 Peter 2:21, 1 Peter 4:13) - We have to suffer shame (Hebrews 12:2) - We will be ridiculed (Matthew 27:39) - We will be rejected (1 Peter 2:4) - We have to suffer death (Acts 10:39).

Follow Jesus Christ everyday - Be a new person (2 Corinthians 5:17) - Battle against sin by crucifying flesh (Romans 6:1-7, 1 Peter 4:1-2) - Abide in him (John 15:1-17).

Counting the cost of being a disciple has too aspect to it which Jesus Christ explained in Luke 14:28-33.
 The builder – who has option to build or not, but must consider what it will take to “FINISH” (complete) the building less he becomes a mockery of every passer-by. You can decide to follow Jesus and live rightly or choose not to – tell your neighbor – it is a matter of choice!
The king – who wants to go to war, must also consider his military strength to face his opponent, failure to do so will mean outright destruction. If you refuse to be a disciple, you are waging a war against the son of God, and there is no way you could win such.

Being a disciple in this present generation means you have to stand out and stand for the truth irrespective of what comes your way or wherever you find yourself, your right standing with God will show to people that you are truly a follower of Christ and not just one of the many hypocrites we have around. In you dressing, look, manners, speeches, conversation, acts inside-out, then people will see your light shine and through such you can disciple others for Christ.

It is better to decide to be a disciple of Jesus or of Satan because you cannot be idle, essence why choice is important after this time out. Let’s read together Philippians 4:8.
I pray that the God of all ages make us His followers till eternity.
God bless you all.

The Mouth Piece of God 

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